Ever wondered how a symphony of ideas can emerge from the chaos of creativity? Angus Clark from SongDivision joins me to share the melody of innovation that resonates through improvisational music and playful songwriting. Tune in as we strike a chord with musician humor, discuss the true worth of a performance, and unveil how songwriting can be a powerful tool for problem-solving and team building, even for those without a musical bone in their body.

How did you become a gameshow host for Google and Subway? When did you decide to turn running a gameshow into a business? What kind of games do you play? Why is it good for adults to be playful humans? Do you have to have a lot of training? How do you get people to play when they are busy? All these questions and so much more will be answered by Gameshow host and Sales Trainer Mike Montague.

Have you ever found yourself absent-mindedly doodling in the corner of your notes during a meeting or a class? You might be on to something more productive than you think! We had the pleasure of inviting Ashton Rodenhiser, a professional doodler and sketchnoter, onto our show. This episode embraces the underestimated power of doodling and its impact on enhancing memory retention. Ashton sheds light on how sketch noting can simplify and focus your thoughts on the vital points, rather than struggling to include every detail.