Meet Terry Dobson and Igor the Parrot! Terry is a professor of design studies at APU and a former Disney Imagineer. He is a father of 4 boys, and San Marino Cub Scout Co-Pack Leader. He is also a…
Erin Baker is a leadership and business coach and author of Joyful AF: The Essential Business Strategy We’re Afraid to Put First! Erin has a Ph.D. Social Psychology and worked in UX at Facebook, assisting in the development of…
Asher Laub is an electric violinist, producer, composer, and live performer. He loves all things music, performing with other musicians, and sharing the joy of music with his listeners. Asher’s expertise in musical improvisation has led him to a…
Faige Kobre plays with the magical medium of alcohol inks. She helps women connect to their innate creativity using this medium through offline & online classes. She was an early childhood educator and developed her inner artist over time.…

“What if I was to tell you that a game of peek-a-boo could change the world?” asks seven-year-old Molly Wright, one of the youngest-ever TED speakers. Breaking down the research-backed ways parents and caregivers can support children’s healthy brain development, Wright highlights the benefits of play on lifelong learning, behavior and well-being, sharing effective strategies to help all kids thrive by the age of five. She’s joined onstage by one-year-old Ari and his dad, Amarjot, who help illustrate her big ideas about brain science.
Wendi Dykes-McGehee is a professor of organizational psychology and leadership at APU and an organizational effectiveness consultant who uses LEGO(R) SERIOUS PLAY(R) to foster deeper learning and help organizations solve complex challenges. She spent 11 years working at Legoland…

This year, ask yourself, “What if it were easy?” What would you do to make your dreams come true without the hustle-and-grind culture? What if life was #fun, fulfilling, and work was accomplished through #flow and was giving you energy instead of draining it?
I know too many top performers and high potentials that had to army crawl to the finish line this year. They ran out of shits to give with time left on the clock for 2022. Don’t let next year be the same!
Lisa Zawrotny is the founder of Positively Productive Systems and the host of the Positively Living Podcast. After experiencing a deeply overwhelming time in her life juggling multiple roles as a caregiver, wife, mother, and business owner, she got…
David Kaye’s voice-over career began with ‘The Great American Hero’, General Hawk in the DIC animation series, GI Joe in 1989. Working as an on-air talent for radio station CKLG (LG73) quickly became less interesting as both on-camera and…
Shaddow is an industry Musician/ Artist, he ranks among some of the best in the industry of entertainment. With a blend of modern and classic pop, jazz, soul, and funk, Shaddow has developed an eclectic style of danceable energetic…